Yew Tree Primary School


Our Intent

At Yew Tree Primary School our curriculum is designed with knowledge at its centre. We do this to ensure that our children have the knowledge, skills, key vocabulary and cultural capital that they will need to aspire and succeed in life.  Our curriculum is planned and organised in a 2-year cycle to meet the needs of our pupils within our school. All National Curriculum objectives are covered in projects across this two-year period. As children learn the content of the curriculum they make progress.

In designing the curriculum, we make use and adapt a range of schemes and resources to enhance and engage all children. We ensure that all objectives from the National Curriculum are covered across the school. Although our curriculum is organised under project headings the children recognise the subject central to the project and are taught the disciplines related to each subject  for example, in Science the children investigate and question like scientists. 

We use 'Knowledge Organisers' for Geography, History and Science to make sure our children know exactly what information they will be learning about during each project. We send 'Knowledge Organisers' home at the start of each project so that parents/carers can share the learning with their children

Our Curriculum is driven by our key drivers; Aspiration, Resilience and Tolerance.

Aspiration - To give our children the drive to achieve a hope and ambition

Resilience - To help children understand how to cope with challenge

Tolerance - To help our children to recognise that difference can be positive and being accepting of others 

Please click on the images below for more information...

Click on the link above to view our Curriculum enrichment plan. It shares the details of the trips and visits we will be doing to help develop and enrich our understanding. 

Yew Tree Lane, Dukinfield, Tameside SK16 5BJ

0161 338 3452